
“You cannot say, ‘Go! Go! Rah! Rah! Good move!’ People want some emotion. Chess is an art and not a spectator sport.” – Garry Kasparov
Effective: July 5, 2021
Basic Membership
Currently, there are no fee requirements to join Casual Chess Club – just show up and play.
Click here for club meeting participation registration.
Clubhouse Membership
Clubhouse Membership grants you access to participate in our Clubhouse events on In order to participate in our Clubhouse events, you will need to have already established an account on and also submit a Clubhouse Membership Request Form.
For people seeking to join our club, but have never attended any of our ‘brick and mortar’ meetings, Clubhouse access is temporary and subject the following requirements:
- Each Temporary Clubhouse Member (“TCM”) is assigned TCM status by the Clubhouse Administrator.
- TCM access to the Clubhouse is temporary until TCM status is removed or TCM access is terminated, whichever comes first.
- Each TCM must maintain their access to the Clubhouse through participation in Clubhouse events.
- Each TCM must participate in at least six (6) Clubhouse events per every ninety (90) days.
- TCM access may be terminated anytime at the discretion of the Clubhouse Administrator.
Premium Membership
Each Premium Club Member (“PCM”) pays annual dues for voting rights. PCM’s may vote on all matters pertaining to club policies and club business.
The club has a Treasurer who maintains records of who paid dues, and how much is in the club treasury. The club does have annual expenses including maintenance of this website. Please use our Contact form to request Premium Membership.
Website Membership
Why register for an account?
Our website offers account holders access to features not available to non-account holders, plus upon request and approval, you may granted the role of contributor. Our blog content consists of articles written by approved contributors. Register now!
Visit My Account to register for an account or edit your profile.