Sunday, Oct 9, 2022, Simul with IM Andranik Matikozyan at Bridgeopolis
Courtesy Re-post*

Hi everyone,
Welcome to the five new members (excluding the Scholastic kids and their parents who are also receiving this email) who’ve joined our mail list in the last few days!
Our Tuesday night weekly tournament (G75;D5) for October has 10 players registered including some new faces playing against our familiar ones. We also have one of our regular players volunteering to play in any of the rounds in which we have an odd number of players. Thanks, Aidan for volunteering! Aidan will receive a zero-point bye for any game in which he is not needed to fill-in. Everyone had a great time in Round One and Rounds 2-4 will continue on each Tuesday night this month. The Wall Chart for Round 1 is linked on the website and can also be seen here
For those who’ve already asked and others who may be thinking of asking, we’re planning to do it again in November although we need to be cognizant of the Thanksgiving Holiday week.
For this Sunday, we’re having a Simul with IM Andranik Matikozyan. We have several players already registered and I expect a few more to join us on that day. The event, which will start at 1:30pm, is open to anyone since it’s unrated and no clock is needed. The cost is $30. For this event only, I’ve decided to waive the advance payment requirement so the onsite registration fee is the same as payment in advance. Of course, space limitations still apply and I’d appreciate knowing in advance if you plan to join us. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early, especially if paying onsite. I’m looking forward to facilitating our first non-tournament event. Personally, I’ve never seen a Simul, except with Beth Harmon on Queens Gambit.
We’ve added a Friday night tournament on October 14th starting promptly at 6pm. It’ll be a Swiss G25+inc/5. Please notice the change from our usual “delay” to “increment”. The cost is the standard $14 in advance. Please add $1 to cover the Paypal or Venmo fee if that’s your method of payment. We’ve also added the same structured tournament for October 30th later this month.
For next Sunday, Oct. 16, we’re having an under-1200 tournament. If you’re new to tournament chess or haven’t played in many years and are itching to get back to it, you should play it. All players must be members of the Chess Federation and have a Provisional or U1200 rating but you can join on the spot at with any computer, tablet, or cell phone. I’m happy to provide help to anyone needing it. And, another incentive: the cost is only $5.00 for new USCF members or first-time tournament players and $10 for all others. How’s that for a “Welcome to Bridgeopolis Chess” gesture?
Our Scholastic Tournament for kids in grades 2-8 to be held on Saturday, October 22 at 9:30am with local teacher and Chess Coach Gale Winds-Cunningham and National Director Tom Brownscombe, is shaping up nicely. We’e already got over a dozen registrants and I expect to reach at least 20 by next week. The kids are going to have a great time! If you know anyone who fits the category, please don’t hesitate to refer them. Once again, USCF membership is required but kids receive a significant discount on membership fees. Registration in advance is required for this tournament and there will be no onsite registration available.
Details and registration links for all events can be found on our website:
Lastly, I’m doing some light paid advertising for Bridgeopolis Chess and hope to get the name out there! Please do let me know if you see a Bridgeopolis ad in your travels, or if you have any suggestions for where to advertise.
Looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting our new players!
Marvin Raab
Bridgeopolis Owner and Club TD
*Disclaimer: Casual Chess Club is not affiliated with Bridgeopolis. This content above is a courtesy re-post of Bridgeopolis newsletter as it was submitted by Marvin Raab of Bridgeopolis.