Message from Club President Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Hello all. It has been recently brought to my attention that some long-time regular players of the club are staying at home due to the concerns of the outbreak. Casual Chess Club and Jersey Mikes both understand that this measure is reasonable, and naturally we want everyone to be healthy, so we can continue playing chess for the enjoyment of the game, and have an occasional sandwich. Even though we cannot “force” people to stay at home, it will be understood that some players will still show up to play. However, as the outbreak continues and concerns grow more massive, we will update you on our course of action.

The club will be celebrating its 8th year next month, and I would personally love to see this club thrive through this time of uncertainty. I will continue to go to the Tuesday night meetings and keep a close eye on attendance. I personally have an idea to implement, but at this time, I have decided to monitor club attendance every week. I will follow up to this next month.

Thank you for visiting the Club’s website, and for being a member of the club!!! May your checkmates be many and your blunders be few.

– Chris Watkins, President of the Casual Chess Club