New In Chess Presents Komodo 12 Chess Engine

Dear Chess Friend,

If you want only one chess engine and only the strongest, you should probably get Komodo. This triple TCEC Champion has now released its latest edition, Komodo 12. Last year Komodo won the computer rapid chess world championship with an incredible score of 96%! It’s ELO on a regluar PC is well over 3000.

This new edition has something very interesting: it does have two engines. You will get the new and improved classical Komodo engine. The developing team of computer expert Mark Lefler and chess grandmaster Larry Kaufman has cranked up the playing strength of the top program a bit further. You will also get a Komodo 12 “Monte Carlo” version, the same approach as used by the AI project AlphaZero.

This new Komodo engine behaves quite differently in analysis: within a short time it plays a whole series of games against itself and comes to its evaluations based on the results of these games. As for playing strength, the “Monte-Carlo” version is not yet up there with the classical Komodo 12. But what is interesting is that the playing style of the two versions clearly differs. GM Larry Kaufman explains: ‘This new engine has the characteristic behaviour of AlphaZero in that it is less materialistic and more aggressive and more human-like than normal engines. The playing style of Komodo MCTS is far bolder than that of the regular engine. It plays much like AlphaZero, preferring activity to material (within reason). The moves tend to be more human because MCTS doesn’t assume perfect play by the opponent. Finally, the evaluations change more gradually, not in sudden jumps as is typical with normal engines.’

Included on the DVD:
• Improved Komodo 12 multi-processor engine
• New Fritz 16 program interface
• New Komodo 12 “Monte Carlo” engine
• 6 months ChessBase Premium Account

Please have a look at this world champion on DVD.

Best wishes,

Remmelt Otten
New In Chess Online Shop